What we can learn from Spain: urban mobility planning in Barcelona
by Marius Navazo, Urban Planner, Barcelona, Spain
Thursday, June 25, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
@ LivableStreets office space, 100 Sidney Street, Cambridge (directions: www.livablestreets.info/node/530 )
This event is free and open to the public, donations suggested, beer/sodas provided compliments of Harpoon Brewery and delivered thanks to Metro Pedal Power!
What are the results of implementing better transit networks, traffic calming zones, and a bike sharing program? Are these measures always environmentally-friendly? Are they enough to create better places to live and enjoy? Learn about the
Marius Navazo is a geographer who has been working for the last 10 years in town and regional planning, focused on transportation and its impacts to improve cities from a social and environmental perspective. He has been working at the Catalan Government for the last 4 years, and now he is a freelancer working for different municipalities in the Barcelona area.
(Photograph: a typical day on Les Rambles, Barcelona)
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